Hugh wakes up in a smoldering crater—no memory, no clothes—a single
thought echoes in his head…trust no one. Frightened and alone, with no
memory of who he is, he stumbles upon a grisly murder scene and is
fatally shot. He wakes, only to find he can heal himself. He has
superpowers, and he’s going to need them.
and bleeding, Hugh stumbles upon fifteen-year-old Cece, who’s got
enough troubles of her own. Between caring for her bipolar mother and
trying not to get evicted from her run-down trailer, Cece may be the
only person struggling as much as Hugh. Drawn to Hugh, Cece finds a love
she’s never known. But when the real killer—a man-hunting beast—chooses
another victim, Hugh and Cece realize they must unlock the clues to
their past if they have any chance at a future.
He woke knowing only pain.
His bones ached like they'd been shattered and glued
haphazardly together. His head buzzed like a tuning fork. A bitter taste coated
his tongue. He searched for the word and it swam sluggishly up before him. Blood. He tasted blood.
He peeled his eyelids open to a sea of gray. As his
eyes focused, he realized he was lying on his back looking up at the night sky.
A few thin clouds streaked across a yellow crescent moon. A fringe of leaves
and branches stood out black against the sky above. He lifted his head and a
stab of pain needled through his skull. He winced, waited and propped himself
up on his elbows. He looked down at his body and drew in a sharp breath.
He was lying in a large trough gouged into the earth,
a crater from the look of things. The damp dark soil splayed up on either side,
freshly uncovered. He reached a trembling hand into the dirt. It crumbled into
flecks on his fingers, dark brown and loamy. Frightened, he brushed it away and
sat up.
He scanned his body for injury: broken bones,
dislocated joints, flayed skin. But as his eyes traced his limbs, covered in
moist earth, he seemed intact. There was, however, one fact he'd previously
He was naked.
Panic snapping through him, he pulled himself upright,
digging his fingers into a nest of dangling roots. He had to get out of this
hole, this… grave. His other senses were awakening now: a gripping hunger, like
he'd never eaten a meal in his life, and an overwhelming sense that everything
was very wrong. Like the world had been flipped upside down and he was sent
tumbling through space unanchored. Why couldn't he remember how he'd gotten
here? Why couldn't he remember… anything?
The cold, raw panic crept up his limbs as he scrambled
out of the crater, sending showers of earth into the hole. He laced his fingers
into the grass and pulled, dragging his naked chest over the coarse, dewy lawn.
A puff of wind drove goose bumps over his damp skin. Then he stood and looked.
A park stretched out before him: long sections of
grassy plain, cut into squares with chain-link fence. Signs were posted,
reading, “Keep Our Park Clean” and “Dogs MUST be kept on a 6 foot leash.”
Century-old trees, tall and gnarly, skirted the grassy areas. Branches shifted
in the wind making a soft stirring sound. Directly in the center of this quiet
and tidy park was a path of destruction cut like a scar through the face of the
earth. It was as if something had plummeted from the sky and skidded along the
ground, snapping off trees, burning branches, bouncing once at the back of the
park where the grass still smoldered. Whatever it was had come to rest here,
boring this eight-foot-deep, twenty-foot-across crater into the earth. He
peered down into the hole looking what had caused such destruction. Finding
nothing, he shivered and threw his arms around himself.
How had he ended up here?
He stumbled to a picnic table and sat. His head
thrummed. His stomach clenched. He’d throw up if he had anything in his belly.
He turned his thoughts from his roiling stomach and to the questions stirring
in his brain. How did he get here? Where was he? He put his head in his
dirt-caked hands.
Who was he?
About the Author

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